Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do I...

Care anymore about the BS that has been going on in my life. YES!!!! I am so tired of having to worry about things that I shouldn't have to worry about alone. My husband should have always had the same sense of responsibility. I don't think he is going to have this job much longer. I will be suprised if he doesn't do something to screw it up and get fired or something. If he does then I am done with him for sure. I will have his stuff packed and he will be out of MY life. He will be able to see the kids when he can but I am not going to put up with the crap anymore. I have already told him to that I don't want to be married to him and that I don't know what my feelings are for him. He still didn't leave. Now for some reason, his ex-girlfriend is telling one of his oldest daughters that he is moving to the old apartment complex that he was living in when I met him. And also that when he goes to court next time he is going to try to get custody of their daughter that they have together. I don't think I can deal with three 4 year olds and a 3 year old. I can barely deal with my own kids much less add someone elses too. He doesn't care about that. He is only wanting to get custody of this kid so that he won't have to pay her child support anymore. Well, I got news for him. If he goes after full custody of this kid, he will be taking care of her on his own. I am not going to be there to support a 5th kid. I can't afford that. I am barely getting by as it is. I had to call my grandparents for help on a couple of bills that I was short taking care of this go round. I shouldn't have had to do that. I should have been able to handle those bills on my own. I haven't had any help from my husband for the last 5 months, and I haven't had to ask for help until 2 days ago. Where does that add up? If I knew, I wouldn't have to ask that question.

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