Monday, February 2, 2009

What would you do?

What would you do if you find that you might be without a job? What if your job gets bought out by another company, and they might want to bring in new employees? I am so sick of this day. I am ready for it to be totally over. I am so sick of life sometimes. I am so tired of having to work my butt off for a boss who does appreciate it. I am not looking for recognition. I am only looking for the same respect I give to my boss. I had to call in 3 different days during the ice storm of 2009. Two of those days the daycare was closed, and one day the daycare wouldn't let my oldest daughter stay because she was sick. My boss was so mad at me. I am suprised that I still have a job. I figured that I would have gotten fired today because of last week. Anyone else can call in and their jobs are safe but now mine is on the line. How is that fair? Last time I checked it's not. Now I am catching the same crap that my husband has and I can't call in to get some rest so that I can get over this stuff. If I call in again, I won't have a job anymore. I need to get some meds for it but I can't afford the dr. bill. Oh well, I am not supposed to take care of my family, I am supposed to only take care of other people's family members. Mine to mean a thing to anyone. I am so ready to find another job. I have been at the job for 5 months now. This is the longest professional job I have ever had. I don't need to mess it up by quitting right now. I just don't know how much longer I can put up with the BS up there. The dept. I work in is totally neglected. We can call the nurse to ask her to come back and check about a resident. She won't show up. I feel that we can tell her that a resident is having difficulty breathing and she is just going to say keep an eye on that person. I'm sorry but if it is during business hours, she should come back and check. There is always going to be paperwork. I don't care if she works 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The paperwork is still going to be piled up for her. But it is about that time for my employer to start treating me like crap. I don't usually stick around long after that. I generally start looking for another job. I go out with hope that I will find a place that I fit in. I am so tired of feeling like an outcast. I know that I am not the best looking person in the world, and maybe it is better to have me behind closed doors where the freak can't be seen by too many people. But I do have a heart and I don't like what is going on with my job right now. I feel that the residents are being mistreated, not just by the aides, but also by the business staff. That is just my opinion though. I might even get hit with a libel charge but so be it. I am entitled to my own opinions. That is what the Constitution says. But we can't go by that anymore, either. So what do you do? Just let things go and watch as things get done wrong? How do you change the situation? I know that if you don't like the situation, to change it. I sometimes feel that I am trying to save the world one life at a time, and I am wearing myself thin. Oh well, didn't you hear, I'm supposed to be a robot. I work doubles, come in on my days off, and for what? I can't get a break. Anyways, enough ranting and raving. I can barely keep my eyes open and so I am going to go to bed. I know it is only a quarter after 8 pm, but when you get your sleep schedule changed for you, you tend to get sleepy earlier. Good night.

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